Saturday 8 January 2011

Test for Dyslexia Changed My Son's Life !: Life Changing Test For Dyslexia

Test for Dyslexia Changed My Son's Life !: Life Changing Test For Dyslexia

Life Changing Test For Dyslexia

The Test for Dyslexia transformed my son’s life!

My son struggled through all his school and college life up to the age of 18 being told he was a ‘Slow Learner’ by the teachers and was constantly called ‘Stupid’ by his fellow pupils.

My son eventually believed he was stupid.

He left education at age 18 with a pass in just one subject..Art.

He spent the next four years either unemployed or in ‘dead-end’ low-paid jobs, mainly sweeping floors or washing dishes.

Eventually, during a very low period when he was unemployed yet again, and very depressed he was persuaded by his mother to try and get into University as a mature student, he was now 22 years old, he was so desperate to do anything just to get out of his unemployed situation!

After doing some ‘Art Work’ he was accepted onto a full-time foundation course.

Right from the start at University my son struggled with the work, the lectures, everything really. My wife and I helped as much as we could, but it felt like we were both on the course with him!

After a few difficult months, a concerned Tutor spoke to my son about having a test for Dyslexia, and it was decided he would take the test. We had to pay towards the test, but apart from a small amount of money we had nothing to loose.

The result of the test…my son was diagnosed as ‘Severe Dyslexic’

My wife and I were surprised by the result and didn’t know how to react, was this good or bad news?

But the miracle was my son's reaction, he was absolutely ‘over the moon’, we had not seen him this happy for years, it was like he had won the lottery!!!

“I’m not stupid, I’m Dyslexic like Richard Branson” he shouted out loud !!!!

My son finally had the massive weight of believing he was 'Stupid' lifted from him, he wasn’t stupid any more.

He told his friends, and other students at University, and all his Tutors had to know, and now all his work was marked accordingly, allowing for his Dyslexia.

He got a free computer, and other free gadgets to help him at University within a matter of weeks of taking the test. He also got lots of other free help and advice.

My son went on to complete his four year degree course, and get a BA, he became a bit of a genius with computers, and now he has a proper full-time job, and the main thing is that he is happy!

I still think it is amazing how my son could go for years through normal school education, and at no point did anyone mention that he could be Dyslexic. In the end it was found out at the age of 22, and by accident or luck if anything.

So, if you or your son or daughter, or anyone you know seems to be struggling with their education, reading, writing, or spelling, please, please consider if they may be Dyslexic and get them to take the test, it could totally transform them, their life, and their happiness…..

Test for Dyslexia Changed My Son's Life !: I'm not stupid, I'm Dyslexic like Richard Branson !

Test for Dyslexia Changed My Son's Life !: I'm not stupid, I'm Dyslexic like Richard Branson !